Fire has been described as being a living thing. While this is not technically true, fire does possess some characteristics of life. For example, fire needs oxygen to breath, food or fuel to consume, and it grows as it eats. Fire will also behave differently in different situations.
In this lesson we will be discussing fire’s behavior, basic facts about fire, and a number of different fire conditions we may encounter at an emergency scene.
Fire is the enemy and for us to defeat the enemy we must understand its weaknesses. Knowledge will give us the confidence necessary to fight and ultimately defeat our enemy “fire.”
BODY TIME: 1 Hr. 50 Min.
a. What is Fire?
(1) Fire -a rapid chemical reaction that gives off energy and products of combustion (smoke, heat, light).
(2) Physical science - study of the physical world around us.
(a) Measurement systems; Firefighter use numbers often in performance of their job. To make sense of these numbers a unit of measurement must be used.
1 United States - English or Customary System
2 Most other nations / scientific community - form of metric system called International System of Units or SI.
(b) Energy and work: In any science energy is one of the most important concepts and this hold true for Fire Science.
1 Energy - capacity to perform work.
2 Work - transformation of energy from one form to another.
3 Types of energy found in nature:
a Chemical - energy released as a result of a chemical reaction such as combustion.
b Mechanical - energy an object in motion possesses. A rock rolling downhill.
c Electrical - energy developed when electrons flow through a conductor.
d Heat - energy transferred between two bodies of differing temperature such as the sun and the earth.
e Light - visible radiation produced at the atomic level such as a flame produced during the combustion reaction.
f Nuclear - energy released when atoms are split (fission) or joined together (fusion). Nuclear power plants generate power as a result of fission.
4 Energy exists in two states:
a Kinetic - energy possessed by a moving object.
b Potential - energy possessed by an object that can be released in the future.
(c) Power
1 Amount of energy delivered over a given period of time.
2 Rate at which various fuels or fuel packages (groups of fuels) release heat as they burn.
(d) Heat and temperature
1 Heat
a Energy transferred from one body to another when the temperatures of the bodies are different.
b Most common form of energy found on earth.
2 Temperature
a An indicator of heat.
b Measure of the warmth of an object based on some standard.
1 SI - degrees Celsius (oC)
a The approved SI unit for all forms of energy including heat is joule
2 Customary System - degrees Fahrenheit (oF)
3 Calorie - amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water 1 degree Celsius.
4 British thermal unit (Btu) - amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 pound of water 1 degree Fahrenheit.
(e) Transmission of heat
1 Heat moves from warmer objects to cooler objects.
a Rate at which heat is transferred is related to the temperature differential of the bodies.
b Greater the temperature difference between the bodies, greater the transfer rate.
2 Conduction
a Point-to-point transmission of heat energy.
b Result of direct contact with a heat source.
3 Convection
a Transfer of heat energy by movement of heated liquids or gases.
b When heat is transferred by convection, there is movement or circulation of a fluid (any substance - liquid or gas - that will flow) from one place to another.
4 Radiation
a Transmission of energy as an electromagnetic wave (such as light waves, radio waves, or X rays) without an intervening medium.
b Travels in a straight line at speed of light.
c Cause of most exposure fires (fires ignited in fuel packages or buildings that are remote from the fuel package or building of origin).
d Heat energy transmitted by radiation travels through vacuums and substantial air spaces that would normally disrupt conduction and convection.
(f) Matter
1 Anything that occupies space and has mass.
2 Can be described by its physical appearance or physical properties:
a Mass.
b Size.
c Volume.
3 Possesses properties that can be observed:
a Physical state:
1 Solid.
2 Liquid.
3 Gas.
b Color.
c Smell.
4 Factors that determine when a change of physical state will occur:
a Temperature.
b Pressure.
5 Matter can also be described using terms derived from its physical properties of mass and volume.
a Density - measure of how tightly the molecules of a solid substance are packed together.
b Specific gravity - ratio of the mass of a given volume of a liquid compared with the mass of an equal volume of water. Water has a specific gravity of 1.
1 Specific gravity less than 1 - lighter than water.
2 Specific gravity greater than 1 - heavier than water.
c Vapor density - density of gas or vapor in relation to air. Air has a vapor density of 1.
1 Vapor density less than 1 - lighter than air and will rise.
2 Vapor density greater than 1 - heavier than air and will fall.
(g) Conservation of Mass and Energy
1 As fire consumes a fuel, its mass is reduced.
2 The Law of Conservation of Mass-Energy:
a Mass and energy may be converted from one to another, but there is never any net loss of total mass-energy.
b Mass and energy are neither created nor destroyed.
3 The reduction of the fuel's mass results in the release of energy in form of light and heat.
4 Firefighters should be aware of this during preplanning operations and size-up at fires:
a More fuel available to burn, more energy that can be released as heat.
b More heat released, more extinguishing agent needed to control the fire.
(h) Chemical Reactions
1 Chemical reaction - whenever matter is transformed from one state to another or a new substance is produced.
a Physical change - simplest of reactions, chemical makeup of the substance is not altered.
b Chemical change - more complex reaction occurs when substances are transformed into new substances with different physical and chemical properties.
2 Chemical and physical changes almost always involve an exchange of energy:
a Exothermic reactions - give off energy as they occur.
b Endothermic reactions - absorb energy as they occur.
3 Oxidation
a Formation between oxygen and another element.
b Oxygen reacts with almost every other element.
c Oxidation process releases energy or is exothermic.
(3) Combustion
(a) Fire and combustion often used interchangeably.
1 Combustion is a self-sustaining chemical reaction yielding energy or products that cause further reactions of the same kind.
2 Fire is a rapid, self-sustaining oxidation process accompanied by the evolution of heat and light of varying intensities.
(b) Time it takes a reaction to occur determines the type of reaction observed:
1 Very slow reaction - oxidation; reaction too gradual to be observed.
2 Rapid reaction - fire.
3 Very rapid reaction of a fuel and an oxidizer - explosions.
(c) The Fire Tetrahedron.
1 For combustion to occur, these four component are necessary:
a Oxygen (oxidizing agent).
b Fuel (reducing agent).
c Heat.
d Self-sustained chemical reaction.
2 Remove any one component and combustion will not occur.
3 If ignition has already occurred, fire is extinguished if one of the components is removed.
(d) Oxygen (oxidizing agent)
1 Oxidizing agents yield oxygen.
a Oxidizers themselves are not combustible.
b Air around us is considered the primary oxidizer.
c Air consists of about 21% oxygen.
d Combustion is supported at oxygen concentrations as low as 14%.
2 Oxygen enriched atmospheres.
a Oxygen concentrations exceed 21%.
b Materials that burn at normal oxygen levels burn more rapidly.
c Some petroleum-based products will autoignite.
d Fires in oxygen enriched atmospheres are more difficult to extinguish.
(e) Fuels (reducing agent) - material or substance being oxidized.
1 Most common fuels contain:
a Carbon.
b Hydrogen.
c Oxygen.
2 Hydrocarbon fuels:
a Gasoline.
b Fuel oil.
c Plastics.
3 Cellulose-based fuels:
a Wood.
b Paper.
4 Combustion process involves two key fuel-related factors:
a Physical state of the fuel.
b Fuels distribution.
5 Fuels exist in three forms:
a Solids
b Liquids
c Gases.
6 Fuels must normally be in a gaseous state to burn.
7 Solids - fuel gases are evolved from solid fuels by pyrolysis.
a Pyrolysis - chemical decomposition of a substance through the action of heat.
b Solid fuels have a definite shape and size.
c Primary concern is surface-to-mass ratio.
1 Surface-to-mass ratio - amount of surface area of the fuel in proportion its mass.
2 More finely divided a fuel becomes, the greater the surface area.
3 As surface area increases, more of material is exposed to heat and thus generates more burnable gases due to pyrolysis.
d Solid fuel's position also affects the way it burns.
1 Vertical - fire spread will be more rapid.
2 Horizontal - fire spread will be less rapid.
8 Liquids - fuel gases are evolved from liquids by vaporization.
a Vaporization - transformation of a liquid to a vapor or gaseous state.
1 Transformation occurs as molecules of the substance escape from the liquid's surface into atmosphere.
2 Must be energy input, usually in the form of heat.
b Rate of vaporization determined by the substance and the amount of heat.
1 Vaporization generally requires less energy input than pyrolysis.
2 Volatility or ease with which a liquid gives off vapors influence its ignitability.
c Surface-to-mass ratio of liquids is an important factor in ignitability.
1 A liquid assumes the shape of its container.
2 When spilled or released, liquid assumes the shape of the ground, flows and accumulates in low areas.
3 When contained, the specific volume of liquid has a low surface-to-volume area.
4 When released, this ratio increases as does the amount of fuel vaporized from the surface.
9 Gases - already in the natural state required for ignition.
a No pyrolysis or vaporization needed.
b Less energy is required for ignition.
c For combustion to occur:
1 Fuel must be in a gaseous state.
2 Must be mixed with air (oxidizer) in the proper ratio.
d Flammable (explosive) range - range of concentrations of the fuel vapor and air (oxidizer).
1 Lower flammable limit (LFL) - minimum concentration of fuel/ vapor and airthat supports combustion. Concentratins below the LFL are “too lean” to burn.
2 Upper flammable limit (UFL) - concentration above which combustion can't take place. Concentrations above this are “too rich” to burn.
(f) Heat - energy component of the fire tetrahedron.
1 Supports combustion reaction:
a Causes pyrolysis or vaporization and production of ignitable vapors or gases.
b Provides energy necessary for ignition.
c Causes continuous production and ignition of vapors or gases continuing combustion reaction.
2 Common sources of heat:
a Chemical heat energy –
2 [MSOffice1]Self-heating (spontaneous heating) - Is the heating of an organic substance without the addition of external heat. Spontaneous heating occurs most frequently where sufficient air is not present and insulation prevents dissipation of heat, heat that is produced by a low grade chemical breakdown process. (oily rags in a container)
b Available air supply in and around material must be adequate to support combustion.
c Insulation properties of surrounding material must not allow heat being generated to dissipate.
3 Rate of the oxidation reaction and heat production increases as more heat is generated and held by the materials insulating the fuel.
4 Heat of Decomposition: Heat of decomposition is the release of heat from decomposing compounds, usually due to bacterial action. I.E. Compost bin.
5 Heat of Solution: is the heat released by the solution of matter in a liquid. I.E. some acids, when dissolved in water, can produce violent reactions, spewing hot water and acid with explosive force. [MSOffice4]
b Electrical heat energy
1 Can generate temperatures high enough to ignite combustible materials.
2 Can occur by:
a Current flow through a resistance or Resistance Heating: Refers to the heat generated by passing an electrical current through a conductor such as a wire or an appliance. Resistance heating is increased if the wire is not large enough in diameter for the amount of current. If the wire is not large enough to handle the amount of amperage being sent.
e Static. Static electricity is the buildup of positive charge on one surface and negative charge on the other and seeks to become evenly charged again. This condition will occur when the two surfaces come close to each other, as in the case of a person’s hand and a metal door knob, and an arc occurs producing the familiar spark and shock.[MSOffice7]
f Lightning.
c Mechanical heat energy - generated by friction and compression.
1 Heat of friction - created by movement of two surfaces against each other.
2 Heat of compression - generated when a gas is compressed.
a Diesel engine igniting fuel vapors without a spark plug.
b Self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) bottles feel warm after being filled.
d Nuclear heat energy - generated when atoms either split apart (fission) or combine (fusion).
1 Fission heats water to drive steam turbines producing electricity.
2 Solar heat is a product of a fusion reaction.
(g) Self-sustained chemical reaction
1 Once flaming combustion or fire occurs, it can only continue when enough heat energy is produced to cause continued development of fuel vapors or gases.
2 This chain reaction or series of reactions that occur in sequence result in each individual reaction being added to the rest.
3 Self-sustained chemical reaction and related rapid growth are factors that separate fire from slower oxidation reactions.
(h) Fire development SEE OTHER LESSON PLAN
1 Ignition occurs when four components of fire tetrahedron come together.
2 For a fire to grow beyond the first material ignited, heat must be transmitted to additional fuel packages.
3 Fire development in compartments is more complex than those in the open.
a Compartment - an enclosed room or space within a building.
b Compartment fire - a fire that occurs within such a space.
c Growth and development controlled by availability of fuel and oxygen.
1 Fuel controlled - amount of fuel available to burn is limited.
2 Ventilation controlled - amount of available oxygen is limited.
4 Stages or Phases
a Ignition - describes when the four elements of the fire tetrahedron come together and combustion begins.
1 Piloted Ignition - caused by a spark or flame or an external source.
2 Non-piloted Ignition - caused when a material reaches its ignition temperature as the result of self-heating (spontaneous ignition).
3 Fire is small and limited to fuel first ignited. The oxygen content in the room has not been significantly reduced.
4 During this phase an event called a Rollover or flame-over make take place.
5 A rollover occurs when unburned combustible gases released during the incipient phase, accumulates at the ceiling level. It is then pushed away from the fire and travels to uninvolved areas where it mixes with oxygen. When the gases flammable range is reached it ignites and a fire front develops, expanding rapidly and rolling over the ceiling.
6 A rollover differs from a flashover in that only the combustible gases burn and not the room’s contents.
b Growth
1 Fire plume develops above burning fuel and begins to draw or entrain air into the column.
2 Plume in compartment fire rapidly affected by the ceiling and walls of the compartment.
a Amount of air entrained into plume.
b Air has a cooling effect on temperatures within the plume.
c Location of fuel package in relation to compartment walls determines amount of air entrained and thus amount of cooling.
· Near walls - less air and have higher plume temperatures.
· In corners - even less air and have highest plume temperatures.
d Significantly affects temperatures in the developing hot-gas layer above the fire.
· Hot gases rise, then spread outward when they hit ceiling.
· Continue to spread until reach compartment walls.
· Depth of gas layer then increases.
3 Temperatures in compartment depend on:
a Amount of heat conducted into compartment ceiling and walls.
b Location of initial fuel package and resulting air entrainment.
4 Growth stage will continue if enough fuel and oxygen are available.
5 Compartment fires generally fuel controlled.
c Flashover - transition between growth and fully developed fire stages and is not a specific event.
1 Conditions in compartment change rapidly.
2 Fire changes from materials first ignited to one that involves all exposed combustible surfaces within the compartment.
3 Hot-gas layer causes radiant heating of combustible materials.
4 Gases generated are heated to their ignition temperature by radiant energy from the gas layer at ceiling.
5 Temperature range is approximately 900o F to 1,200o F.
6 Just prior to flashover:
a Temperatures rapidly increase.
b Additional fuel packages become involved.
c Fuel packages give off combustible gases as a result of pyrolysis.
7 As flashover occurs, combustible materials in the compartment and gases given off ignite.
8 Result: full -room involvement.
9 Occupants who haven't escaped before a flashover are not likely to survive.
10 Firefighters in a compartment at flashover are at extreme risk, even while wearing their PPE.
d Fully Developed - all combustible materials in compartment involved in fire.
1 Burning fuels in compartment are releasing maximum amounts of heat possible and producing large volumes of fire gases.
2 Heat released and volume of fire gases produced depend on number and size of ventilation openings.
3 Fire frequently becomes ventilation controlled, thus large volumes of unburned gases are produced.
4 Hot, unburned fire gases begin flowing from compartment of origin to adjacent spaces or compartments. These ignite as they enter spaces where air is more abundant.
e Decay
1 Rate of heat release begins to decline as fire consumes available fuel. (Fuel controlled.)
a Amount of fire diminishes.
b Temperature in compartment begins to decline.
2 Remaining mass of glowing embers can result in moderately high temperatures in the compartment for some time.
(i) Factors That Affect Fire Development:
1 As fire progresses from ignition to decay, several factors affect its behavior and development:
a Size, number, and arrangement of ventilation openings.
b Volume of the compartment.
c Thermal properties of compartment enclosures.
d Ceiling height of compartment.
e Size, composition, and location of fuel package first ignited.
f Availability and location of additional fuel packages (target fuels).
2 Temperatures that develop in a burning compartment are direct result of energy released as fuels burn.
a Any loss in mass caused by fire is converted to energy.
b Heat release rate (HRR) - amount of heat energy released over time in a fire. Directly related to:
1 Amount of fuel being consumed over time.
2 Heat of combustion (amount of heat a specific mass of a substance gives off when burned) of the fuel being burned.
c Firefighters should be able to recognize potential fuel packages and use this information to estimate fire growth potential.
1 Materials with high heat release rates (HHRs) would be expected to burn rapidly once ignition occurs.
a Polyurethane foam-padded furniture.
b Polyurethane foam mattresses.
c Stacks of wooden pallets.
2 Fires in materials with lower HRRs would be expected to take longer to develop.
3 Generally, low-density materials burn faster (have a higher HRR) than higher density materials of similar makeup.
d The heat generated in a compartment fire is transmitted from the initial fuel package to other fuels in the space by all three modes of heat transfer.
1 Hot particles in the smoke radiate energy to other fuel packages.
2 These remote fuel packages are sometimes called target fuels.
3 As radiant energy increases, target fuels begin pyrolysis and give off ignitable gases.
4 When compartment temperature reaches the ignition temperature of these gases, entire room becomes involved in fire (flashover).
(4) Special Considerations
(a) Flameover/Rollover - describe a condition where flames move through or across the unburned gases during a fire's progression.
1 Distinguished from flashover by it involvement of only the fire gases and not the surfaces of other fuel packages.
2 May occur during growth stage.
3 Flames may be observed in the layer when the combustible gases reach their ignition temperature.
4 May also be observed when unburned gases vent from a compartment during the growth and fully developed stages.
(b) Thermal Layering of Gases - tendency of gases to form into layers according to temperature. Also called "heat stratification" or "thermal balance".
1 Hottest gases tend to be in the top layer.
2 Cooler gases form lower layers.
3 Smoke, a heated mixture of air, gases, and particles, rises. If a hole is made in the compartment's roof, smoke will rise out through the hole.
a Thermal layering is critical to fire fighting operations.
b As long as the hottest air and gases are allowed to rise, the lower levels will be safer for firefighters.
4 Normal layering of hottest gases to the top and out ventilation openings can be disrupted by water applied directly into the layer.
a Rapid conversion of water to steam can cause the gases to mix rapidly.
b Swirling mixture of smoke and steam disrupts normal thermal layering and hot gases mix throughout the compartment.
c Sometimes referred to as "disrupting the thermal balance" or "creating a thermal imbalance".
d Many firefighters have been burned because of this.
e Forced ventilation procedures must be used to clear the area.
5 Proper procedures to follow:
a Ventilate the compartment.
b Allow hot gases to escape.
c Direct fire stream at the base of the fire.
(c) Backdraft - an explosive ignition that occurs when air is mixed with hot, unburned fire gases.
1 Many firefighters have been killed or injured because of backdrafts.
2 Potential for backdraft can be reduced with proper vertical ventilation (opening at highest point) allowing hot, unburned gases to escape before entry is made.
3 Following conditions may indicate the potential for a backdraft:
a Pressurized smoke exiting small openings.
b Black smoke become dense gray yellow.
c Confinement and excessive heat.
d Little or no visible flame.
e Smoke leaving the building in puffs or at intervals (appears to be breathing).
f Smoke-stained windows.
(d) Products of Combustion
1 Chemical composition of a material changes as a fuel burns.
2 Results in production of new substances and generation of energy.
3 Also results in production of airborne fire gases, particles, and liquids (products of combustion or smoke).
a Heat
1 Responsible for spread of fire.
2 Causes:
a Burns.
b Dehydration.
c Heat exhaustion.
d Injury to respiratory tract.
b Smoke
1 Causes most deaths in fires.
2 Materials vary from fuel to fuel, generally all smoke can be considered toxic.
3 Contains narcotic (asphyxiant) gases and irritants.
a These cause central nervous system depression which :
· Result in reduced awareness or intoxication.
· Can lead to loss of consciousness and death.
b Most common narcotic gases found in smoke:
· Carbon monoxide - CO.
· Hydrogen cyanide - HCN.
· Carbon dioxide - CO2
c Irritants in smoke cause:
· Breathing discomfort (pulmonary irritants).
· Inflammation of eyes, respiratory tract, and skin (sensory irritants).
4 Carbon monoxide
a Most common of hazardous substances in smoke.
b Almost always present when combustion occurs.
c Carbon monoxide is most easily detected in the blood of fire victims and most often reported.
5 Firefighters must use SCBA for protection when operating in smoke.
c Flame - visible, luminous body of a burning gas.
1 Flame becomes hotter and less luminous when a burning gas is mixed with the proper amounts of oxygen.
2 Loss of luminosity is caused by more complete combustion of carbon.
3 It is not present in those types of combustion that do not produce a flame (smoldering fires).
(5) Fire Extinguishment Theory
(a) Temperature Reduction
1 One of most common methods of extinguishment is cooling with water.
2 Reducing the temperature of a fuel to a point where it doesn't produce sufficient vapor to burn.
a Solid fuels and liquid fuels with high flash points can be extinguished by cooling.
b Cooling with water can't reduce vapor production sufficiently to extinguish fires involving low flash point liquids and flammable gases.
c Use of water for cooling is most effective method of extinguishing smoldering fires.
(b) Fuel Removal
1 Effectively extinguishes some fires.
2 Fuel source may be removed by:
a Stopping the flow of liquid or gaseous fuel.
b Removing solid fuel in the path of a fire.
c Allow the fire to burn until all fuel is consumed.
(c) Oxygen Exclusion - reducing the oxygen available for the combustion process reducing a fire's growth and totally extinguishing it over time.
1 Flooding an area will an inert gas, displacing the oxygen, and disrupting the combustion process.
2 Blanketing the fuel with foam, separating the oxygen from the fuel.
3 Neither method works on rare, self-oxidizing fuels.
(d) Chemical Flame Inhibition
1 Extinguishing agents that interrupt the combustion reaction and stop flaming:
a Dry chemicals.
b Halogenated agents (halons).
2 Effective on gas and liquid fuels which must flame to burn.
a Most ignitable liquids have a specific gravity of less than 1.
1 Can float on water used as an extinguishing agent.
2 Could unintentionally spread a fire.
b Solubility (ability to mix with water) is another factor in extinguishment.
1 Polar solvents
a Liquids that readily mix with water.
b Large amounts of water may dilute polar solvents to the point where they will not burn.
2 Hydrocarbon liquids
a Nonpolar solvents - not soluble in water
b Float on top of water.
c Vapor density affects extinguishment of ignitable liquids and gaseous fuels.
1 Gases less dense than air (vapor density less than 1) tend to rise and dissipate when released.
2 Gases or vapors denser than air (vapor density greater than 1) tend to hug the ground and travel as directed by terrain and wind.
(6) Classifications of Fires
(a) Class A Fires
1 Involve ordinary combustible materials. Examples include:
a Wood.
b Cloth.
c Paper.
d Rubber.
e Many plastics.
2 Extinguishment
a Water is used to reduce the temperature of the burning material below its ignition temperature.
b Class A foams (wet water) may enhance water's ability to extinguish Class A fires especially deep seated fires in bulk materials (piles of hay bales or sawdust, etc…)
c Difficult to extinguish with using oxygen exclusion methods because they don't provide a cooling effect.
(b) Class B Fires
1 Involve flammable and combustible liquids and gases. Examples include:
a Gasoline.
b Oil
c Lacquer.
d Paint.
e Mineral spirits.
f Alcohol.
2 Extinguishment
a Smothering or blanketing effect of oxygen exclusion is most effective method. Also helps reduce production of additional vapors.
b Other extinguishing methods include:
1 Removal of fuel.
2 Temperature reduction, when possible.
3 Interruption of the chain reaction with dry chemical agents.
(c) Class C Fires
1 Fires involving energized electrical equipment. Examples include:
a Household appliances.
b Computers.
c Transformers.
d Overhead transmission lines.
2 Extinguishment
a Can sometimes be controlled by nonconducting extinguishing agents such as:
1 Halon.
2 Dry chemical.
3 Carbon dioxide.
b Fastest procedure is to:
1 De-energize high-voltage circuits.
2 Then fight the fire appropriately depending on the fuel involved.
(d) Class D Fires
1 Involve combustible metals. Examples are:
a Aluminum.
b Magnesium.
c Titanium.
d Zirconium.
e Sodium.
f Potassium.
2 These materials are particularly hazardous in powdered form.
3 Proper airborne concentrations of metal dusts can cause powerful explosions.
4 Extinguishment
a Extremely high temperatures make water and other common extinguishing agents ineffective.
b No one agent effectively controls fires in all combustible metals.
c Special extinguishing agents are available to control fires for each type of metal. They are specifically marked for the type of metal fire they extinguish.
d These agents are used to cover the burning materials.
5 Special Considerations
a These materials may be found in a variety of industrial or storage facilities.
b Use caution when fighting a Class D fire.
c Review information regarding the material and its characteristics prior to attempting to extinguish a fire.
d Isolate and treat the burning material as recommended in the material safety data sheet (MSDS) or North American Emergency Response Guidebook (NAERG).
e Personnel should be in full PPE and exposure should be limited to only those people necessary to contain or extinguish the fire.
In this lesson we discussed fire’s behavior, basic facts about fire, and a number of different fire conditions we may encounter at an emergency scene.
Fire is the enemy and for us to defeat the enemy we must understand its weakness. Knowledge will give us the confidence necessary to fight and ultimately defeat our enemy “fire.”
N/A. Continue with the next lesson.
As firefighters, we must have a good working knowledge of fire’s behavior. One mistake can be deadly. Our best defense against a fire is to know how it behaves.
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